Base UK

Suggested Reading

Below is a list of books to read suggested by members. If you have read something which inspired you in your CA journey and want to share, please email your suggestion to me on – happy reading!

Dirt – The Erosion of Civilizations by David R Montgomery

Growing a Revolution by David R Montgomery

The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms by Charles Darwin

Grassfed Nation by Graham Harvey

Everything I want to do is Illegal by Joel Salatin

Earth Matters by Prof Richard Bargett

Fertility Farming by Newman Turner

Holistic Mangement by Allan Savory

The Biological Farmer by Gary F Zimmer

Advanced Biological Farming by Gary F Zimmer

Dirt to Soil by Gabe Brown

A Soil Owner’s Manual by Jon Stika

Plowman’s Folly by Edward H Faulkner

Managing Cover Crops Profitably by Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)

The Clifton Park Farming System by Robert H Elliot

Road back to Nature by Masanobu Fukuoka

One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka

The Natural History of Selborne by Gilbert White

Farmer’s Glory by A.G. Street

The Living Soil by Lady Eve Balfour

An Agricultural Testament by Sir Albert Howard

Hosier Farming System by A J Hosier OBE and F H Hosier

Quality Agriculture by John Kemph –

Taming the Flood: Rivers, Wetlands and the Centuries-Old Battle Against Flooding by Jeremy Purseglove

Farmaram (audio)

1800s mixed crops – lessons from the Agrostographia –

Kiss The Ground by Josh Tickell –

Cows save the planet by Judith D Schwartz   

Defending Beef by Nicolette Hahn Niman

Restoring Heritage Grains by Eli Rogosa

Grain by Grain by Bob Quinn and Liz Carlisle

For the Love of Soil by Nicole Masters  

Call of the Reed Warbler by Charles Massey 

A fabulous series of videos.

Regenerative Farming - Then, Now, How and Why - featuring BASE-UK Members Andrew Lingham and Mike Harrington -

CWFPE Presents: Keynote Speaker Rick Clark -

English Pastoral-An Inheritance by James Rebanks

The Great Plant-Based Con by Jayne Buxton

Six Inches of Soil - Jeremy Toynbee - 5M Books - 

A Bold Return to Giving a Damn by Will Harris - audio book available read by the author Goodreads 

Timber! by Paul Brannen -